Monday, December 29, 2008

Pictures I Have Taken

Here are some pictures that I have taken recently that I thought I would post for people to see. 
The first picture is a picture of my dog, Haley.  I like this one because you can see she had been  rolling around in the grass that day by the little pieces on her  face.  It is a different angle and that makes it interesting to me.  The next picture was taken on Mizzou's campus across from the J-School.  I thought the rocks on the bottom framed the bottom corner well and thought it was a different shot.
The third picture I like because I think it is a cool waterfall shot.  I think I took this at the Botanical Gardens if I remember correctly. The next picture is just a different view of the columns at Mizzou. The picture of Billy Currinton I couldn't figure out how to rotate so it just ended up sideways.  I have a version of this without the red-eye that looks much better.  I like this one because I think it is a good portrait shot of him in concert.  
The last picture I like because the flamingos are in the bottom corner and at first you may not see them but I think they add to the picture.

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