Sunday, January 24, 2010

Photo Sequence

So I had to come up with a photo sequence for my class. I tried to think of various ideas and drove around for a good long while and just had a block. So as I was pulling into my complex, I saw this bird and a few more were in the trees so I pulled over and snapped a few photos. Not really what I wanted but I think once I think of more ideas things will come to me.


Anonymous said...

I had this dream last night that I gave you an idea for your photo sequence. I must have been hungry. You photographed a piece of bread then toasted it, then ate it and your teeth marks in the bread were really big and distinct. It was strange.

Colleen_Lefholz said...

Isn't it strange the dreams we have? :) I think my sequence is going to be done at a laundrymat so maybe you will have a dream about that