Sunday, March 7, 2010

30 pictures in 30 days take two-day 3

Today I went to the Missouri Deer Classic at the Boone County Fairgrounds. It was a a lot of fun and I learned a lot in the process. The highlight of the Classic was the bear that they had there. I got to go up close and get some neat photos. A big thanks to Jeff Watson and the bear, Brody, for letting me take their photos and letting me up closer so I could get good photos. Brody is a Kodiak Grizzly bear. Jeff has had had Brody since he was eight weeks old and has trained and raised him on his property. Brody has been in movies, tv shows and on the cover of National Geographic.

I also took other photos besides the bear which are posted on the Columbia Missourian Web site.

Brody and Jeff staring at one another.

Jeff is spitting into Brody's mouth.

Jeff got Brody to stand up for me.

A portrait of Brody.

Jeff sits on Brody's back immediately after he feeds him.

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